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Squire of Limited

Squire of Limited

$1 per Episode

Squires will be thanked on-air the episode following their initial patronage and gain access to the Lords of Limited Discord channel.

Soldier of Limited

Soldier of Limited

$2 per Episode

Soldiers gain access to the show notes for each episode. The LoL shownotes are the blueprint for each episode and you can get a sneak peek at what's to come each week on the podcast. Soldiers also gain access to the discord.

Warrior of Limited

Warrior of Limited

$3 per Episode

Warriors receive exclusive access to your hosts' draft spreadsheets with draft logs, deck pics, and insider tips and insights. Also all rewards from previous tiers.

Hero of Limited

Hero of Limited

$5 per Episode

Heroes receive access to a private discord server with your hosts to submit questions to be answered on air and to help shape the subject matter of future episodes. Also all rewards from previous tiers.